Moskitia Ecoaventures

Ecotours and whitewater rafting in Honduras, Central America.
Discover the Mosquito Coast of Honduras, the precious ecosystem
of Central America´s rainforest jungle and cloud forest.
Birdwatching and Custom Services in the Moskitia
Birdwatching or birding has become one of the favorite activies for outdoor enthusiasts. The rainforest jungles, secondary forests, pine forests, beaches, marshes and mangroves of Honduras provide an opportunity to see many of the hundreds of bird species that inhabit these spectacular Central American ecosystems. La Moskitia Ecoaventuras - located in La Ceiba, Honduras - can take you to the areas with the best possibilities for seeing such birds as: parrots, toucans, macaws, quetzals, oropendulas, fly catchers, trogons, motmots, jacamars, pelicans, sandpipers, ibises, frigatebirds, roseate spoonbills, storks, etc. Join us on one of our specialized birding expeditions or ecotours in the Caribbean coast of Honduras.
Birdwatching ToursGreat Curasaw
The itinerary of this expedition is specially designed so that birdwatching fans can enjoy the best opportunities to observe a great variety of birds at different ecological zones in La Moskitia. First we go around the marshes near Palacios village, on foot or by boat. Then, we cross the Ibans Lagoon by boat up to a Caribbean pine forest populated by a great number of diverse psitacins (parrot, parraquet, etc.) and other attractive bird species common in the gallery forest. At the farming territories, where the primary ecosystem has already been deeply modified, we will be nicely surprised by the interesting bird fauna of diverse colours and shapes that live in this transitional zone, such as fly catchers, trogons, motmots, toucans, tanagers, kingfishers, etc. A walk along the beach will give us the opportunity to watch different marine birds (pelicans, sandpipers, ibises, frigatebirds, roseate spoonbills, storks, etc.) while a boat trip upstream in the Plátano River will allow us to discover even more examples of this beautiful tropical fauna such as jacamars, oropendolas, macaws and other fascinating creatures of this particular habitat. In our journey we shall also have a good chance to interact with the interesting native people of this region.

Great Curasaw




Flight to Palacios from La Ceiba (50 mins.). Bird watching in the marshes around Palacios following some trails. Afternoon, from 5:00 PM, observing aquatic birds during a boat ride at the Bacalar Lagoon. Night accommodation at a lodge in Palacios.

Morningbird watching following nature trails around Palacios. Trip in tuc-tuc (motorized boat) to Sahsabila where we will set up camp (40 mins.). In the afternoon we will go to Tramp by canoe to make an observation and we return to Sahsabila after sunset.

Morning observation in the pine and gallery forest. Tour by motor boat around Ibans Lagoon passing Suhilka until we reach Raista (Miskito community). Morning observation around Raista. Hike without equipment along the beach where we will go for an afternoon of birding. We sleep in a family house.

We hike to Nueva Jerusalém (1.5 hrs.) from where we take motor boat up to Las Marías, a Pech community (6 hrs.). We sleep in thatched-roof cabins.

Morning observation around Las Marias following the river bank. Hike into the rainforest and trip back to the village in the afternoon.

Tour in canoe up to Walpaulbansirpi petroglyphs. From the quiet canoes, propelled with poles by Pech or Miskito Indians, we get an opportunity to watch lots of birds. We return to sleep at Las Marias or we camp in our tents near the river.

Morning observation near the river. Trip back to Raista where we will sleep.

Transportation in tuc tuc to Palacios (2.5 hrs.). Flight back to La Ceiba at 1:00 a.m. approx. End of our services on arrival at the airport. Lunch is not included this day.
Breakfast and dinner will be prepared by locals. We will bring some extra food on the trip to complement the local choice. Will generally take cold lunch on account of our moving around.
Services include : Air Transportation to La Ceiba - Palacios - La Ceiba, Rio Platano transportation (boat), equipment, canoes,
local guides, lodging, breakfast, lunch, dinner, bilingual nature guides and cultural presentation.

Customized expedition services offered

We are keen to encourge young people to discover the precious and varied eco-systems of Honduras. Therefore we offer customised student trips - with flexibilty in pricing and schedules for groups on limited budgets. We can offer these groups the opportunity to get invloved with voluntary conservation work in National Parks and the surrounding communties.

Please contact us with your preferred location, dates and the number in your group so that we can offer you a discount price.

For more information, please email us at:

La Moskitia Ecoaventuras, P.O. Box 890, La Ceiba, Honduras, CA. Tel+ (504) 2441-3279, +(504)2439-2604

White-Water Rafting

Ecotours in rainforest, cloud forest and mangroves

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For more information:
La Moskitia Ecoaventuras
Colonia El Toronjal 2
P.O.Box 890
31101, La Ceiba, Atlántida
Honduras, C.A.
TEL: 001 (504) 2441-3279(office)
TIGO FIJO: (504) 2439-2604 (Office)
Cel: 001 (504) 9929-7532 ( Jorge Movil)
Copyright © 1999 La Moskitia Ecoaventuras. All rights reserved.