Moskitia Ecoaventures
Ecotours and whitewater rafting in Honduras, Central America.
Discover the Mosquito Coast of Honduras, the precious ecosystem
of Central America´s rainforest jungle and cloud forest.

Ecotours in Rainforest, Cloud forest and Mangroves

Central America has become know for spectacular rainforest jungles that provide an opportunity for tourists to vist this amazing and endangered ecosystem. The Caribbean or Mosquito Coast of Honduras is rapidly becoming known for the large areas of rainforest, cloud forest and mangroves that can be visited in our ecotours. La Moskitia Ecoaventuras - located in La Ceiba, Honduras - provides both single day and multiday tours in this precious and sparcely inhabited area.


Pico Bonito National ParkPico Bonito hiking and 1/2 day Whitewater Rafting in the Rio Cangrejal
3 days/ 2 nights
(Min 2, Max 10 pers.)
Enjoy 3 days/ 2 nights, the exuberant tropical rain forest of the PICO BONITO NATIONAL PARK and whitewater river rafting in the turbulent and exciting rapids of Río Cangrejal, both located just a few minutes from La Ceiba. We will camp in the park for one night, hike along the nature trails, enjoying the crystal clear waters of Bonito River. Whitewater rafting on the Cangrejal river on the third day will last approximately four hours and will include instructions on the use of the raft and practical training exercises.

Itinerary - 3 days

Trip starts at midday from to La Ceiba. Transfer to the National Park, hiking (3 hrs.) and camping.

Hiking (4 hrs.), picnic and return to Hotel in La Ceiba.

Rafting in Rio Cangrejal (8:00 am - 12:00 am) and back to La Ceiba.
Services included: Camping equipment, first aid kit, transfers, hotel, breakfast, lunch, dinner, professional guides, bilingual nature guides.
Cuero y Salado Wildlife Refuge - 1 day
Mangroves at Cuero y Salado Wildlife ReserveLocated 33 km on the coast to the west of La Ceiba, this area of mangroves is formed by the Cuero and Salado rivers. This area is protected to safeguard the endangered manatee populations that live here. It is a complex area of wetlands offering both fresh and salt water habitats. It is also rich in bird life and other fauna.

Mangroves at Cuero y Salado Wildlife Reserve



River Expedition on the Rio Platano - 5 days (Min 2 Max 10 persons)
This trip provides an excellent opportunity for visitors with limited time who would like to know La Mosquitia and part of the Rio Platano Biosphere Reserve. During this expedition, lasting 5 days, you will see people and villages of three ethnic cultures of Honduras: Miskito, Pech and Garifuna, as well as different ecosystems such as mangroves, coastal lagoons, and tropical rainforest. We shall also cross the territory where English pirates used to hide and see the vestiges of the last big lumber company operating in the Mosquitia, which built a railroad to transport the "red gold" (mahogany wood) out of this Indian territory. This area with high cultural interaction is also famous for its beautiful scenery around the Ibans lagoon and the Baltimore peak. A great variety of birds will delight us with their songs and elegant colours and with luck we might even see some large mammals and reptiles, such as tapirs, jaguarundis, otters and crocodiles.

ZItinerary B

Flight from La Ceiba to Palacios (50 min). Transfer in motor dug-out to Raista, a Miskito community - 2.5 hrs.

After breakfast we walk to La Nueva Jerusalem (1 hr), where our motorized canoe will take us to the Platano River and Las Marias village, where we stay overnight. (6 hrs.)

After breakfast we travel by pipantes (dug-out canoes) up the Plátano River to visit the Walpaul-bansirpe petroglyphs. (4 hrs upriver and 1.5 hr. jungle hiking ). In the afternoon, we return to Las Marías (2 hrs.).

After breakfast, we return to Raistá by dug out motor boat from where we will eat lunch and then continue by tuc tuc (motorized canoe) to the Garifuna village of Plaplaya (1 hr.). In the afternoon, we'll have time to visit the village.
In evening at Plaplaya you will enjoy a colorful Garifuna dance show.

After breakfast, we leave for Palacios (45 min.), where we take the plane to La Ceiba.
Services included: Transportation La Ceiba - Palacios - La Ceiba (airplane), Rio Platano transportation (boat), equipment,
first aid adventure kit, lodging, breakfast, lunch, dinner, bilingual nature guides and cultural presentation.

Expedition to the Tawahka Asangni Biosphere Reserve
(8,10 and 12 days) (Min 2 Max 10 persons)
The setting for this adventure is two reserves, beginning in the south-eastern region of the Ri;o Platano Biosphere Reserve and crossing into the Tawhaka trails. This trip presents the opportunity to experience three major ecosystems: tropical rainforest, pine savannahs and mangrove swamps. Walks through the dense wet forest, mild whitewater rafting (Class II), spectacular landscapes, and encounters with the hospitable Tawhaka people add a special touch to this expedition. The Tawahkas are the smallest and most isolated indigenous tribe in Honduras, currently fighting to protect their traditional forest lands which are essential to the preservation of their ancestral culture and lifestyle.

Itinerary A

Itinerary B

We leave Tegucigalpa for the community of La Llorona situated in the Buffer Zone of the Rio Platano Biosphere Reserve.(7 hrs.) Same as Itinerary A.

We walk through frontier style farms of recent Mestizos settlers until we reach Villa Linda our rafting put in (8 hrs.). Gear carried on mules. Same as Itinerary A.

We navigate our rubber rafts through the Class II rapids of the Wampu and the scenic vistas of the Patuca river until we arrive at the Tawahka village of Krausirpe. (6 hrs. each day.) We will camp on sandy river banks. Same as Itinerary A.

We make our way to the Miskito community of Wampusirpe navigating in dug out motor boat (4 hrs.). We'll observe the way in which indigenous peoples from the Moskitia make rational use of the tropical forest We make our way by canoe to the Wankibila trail (2 hrs.) and begin our hike towards the Coco river, situated on the border with Nicaragua (4 hrs.). Along the trail we will observe the way in which the Tawahka Indians make rational use of the rainforest. We sleep in the heart of the jungle.

We charter a Cessna plane to the town of Puerto Lempira (30 min.) located near Caratasca Lagoon where we'll have a chance to relax at the beach or go for a tour around the mangroves. We continue our hike to the Ahuahuas River (4 hrs.) where we will again inflate the rafts and float on the rapids of the Ahuahuas and the Coco, arriving finally at the Miskito and Mestizo community of Ahuasbila (2 hrs.).

We fly back to Tegucigalpa, San Pedro Sula or Bay Islands vía La Ceiba. We travel by vehicle (pick up) through extensive pine savannahs until we arrive at the Caratasca Lagoon and the town of Puerto Lempira (6 hrs.).

  We will cross the Caratasca Lagoon, tour the mangroves and finally relax on the beach (6 hrs.). In afternoon we return to Puerto Lempira.

  We return by plane to Tegucigalpa, San Pedro Sula or Bay Islands via La Ceiba. Lunch not included this day.
  Itinerary C 12 days - more difficult, using BALSA WOOD raft. Similar to Itinerary B, but we need two more days to construct our raft, using balsawood that we buy from local farmers. Lunch not included on Day 12.
Services Include: Local air transportation, motorized dugout canoes, river and camping equipment, breakfast, lunch, dinner, bilingual nature guides and cultural presentation.

Sierra de Agalta Expedition 5 days (Min 2, Max 10 persons)
The beautiful is a remote cloud forest isolated from the other cloud forests in Honduras. Some unique endemic species have already been found by scientists and others remain to be discovered. The maximum elevation reaches 2500 meters above sea level surrounded by amazing scenery, dominated by very abrupt topography. Temperatures range between 5 and 25 degrees centigrade. This permanently cloudy area gives a high relative humidity to the top of the mountains, where hundreds of crystalline and pure water creeks are born and where the lush vegetation is decorated with abundant epiphytes. The splendid flora and fauna composition give this park a unique appearance resulting in an unforgettable experience for every visitor. The beautiful quetzals, green toucans, and some timid mammals like jaguars, cougars, tapirs, ringtails, monkeys and other animals that live in this impressive forest, as well as the unique view from the top of the mountain, will leave the visitor with wonderful memories.





Itinerary  - 5 days

Transportation in 4x4 vehicle from Tegucigalpa or La Ceiba to Gualaco, at approximately 500m above sea level (4 hrs). This day we walk up to the first camp located near a refreshing crystal water stream (4 hrs.). Gear carried on backpacks by guides and tourists.

We enjoy the beautiful scenery that surrounds us, taking a rest at our camping area and going for some hikes along the stream to observe the nature and visit the beautiful waterfall just a few minutes away from our camp.

We climb up to the second camp, reaching about 2000 m above sea level (5 hrs.). At this point we start seeing the typical cloud forest vegetation: orchids, bromeliads, mosses, lichens, tree ferns and others. With some luck we will also see the beautiful green toucans, quetzals, and some mammals.

We leave most of our gear at the second camp, taking some warm clothes, water, a snack for lunch and our cameras with us to hike on up a steep slope to La Picucha, the top of the mountain (2500m above sea level ) (2 hrs.). Here we enjoy the typical dwarf vegetation with its impressive colours. On clear days it is possible to take in a superb 360 degrees panoramic view. It is a Garden of Eden. In the afternoon we hike down back to our first camp (3 hrs.).

We walk back down to the starting point (4 hrs.) to return to Tegucigalpa or La Ceiba by car.
Services include: Camping equipment, transfers in 4x4 truck, first aid kit, lodging, breakfast, lunch, dinner, bilingual nature guides.

Whitewater Rafting
Bird-watching and customized tours offered tour in La Moskitia
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For more information,
La Moskitia Ecoaventuras
Colonia El Toronjal 2
P.O.Box 890
31101, La Ceiba, Atlántida
Honduras, C.A.
TEL: 001 (504) 2441-3279(office)
TIGO FIJO: (504) 2439-2604 (Office)
Cel: 001 (504) 9929-7532 ( Jorge Movil)
Copyright © 1999 La Moskitia Ecoaventuras. All rights reserved.
Web page last updated March 26, 2001